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The Best Side Dishes for Hot Dogs, From Imodium to Another Hot Dog

That glizzy needs a friend

There’s something magical about a clammy, sleek hot dog. It’s almost as if it were made to be swallowed whole, or at least quickly and efficiently. Imagine: It slides down your esophagus like a toboggan, leaving behind marvelous smears of ketchup and mustard. Then, “splash,” it plunges into your stomach acid like a seasoned Olympic diver. That’s where it dissolves like a large, tasty pill full of protein, convenient as food gets.

But despite its ability to satiate speedily, a hot dog can only quench so much hunger on its own. In other words, it could use a few friends, some delectable side dishes to help it go down. Don’t know what to make? Not a problem — I asked glizzy enthusiasts from around the globe what to serve with hot dogs. Here’s what they suggested.

Richard Pink, co-owner of Pink’s Hot Dogs in Hollywood: 

  • Guacamole and Tortilla Chips: The coolness of guacamole goes well against the heat of a hot dog topped with chili.
  • Deep-Fried Dill Pickles: The nice crunch with a sour taste works with the sweetness of the bun. 
  • Mozzarella Sticks: The cheesy taste is nice against the spice of the hot dog and chili (if you’re having a chili dog, that is).
  • Zucchini Sticks: The crunchy texture is tasty against the softness of the bun.
  • Tortilla Chips or French Fries Topped With Guacamole and Nacho Cheese: The crunchy texture and sweetness of the guacamole, and spice of the nacho cheese, go well against the blandness of a plain hot dog with just mustard. Meanwhile, classic French fries dressed with sweet guacamole and spicy nacho cheese make the hot dog a complete meal. If you want an even bigger meal, throw some thinly sliced grilled steak on there, too.
  • French Fries and Ketchup: A classic.
  • French Fries Topped With Bacon Bits and Ranch Dressing or Nacho Cheese: The saltiness of the fries and bacon adds to the saltiness of the hot dog for a memorable taste. 
  • French Fries Topped With Pastrami, Bacon and Nacho Cheese: A meal in and of itself, but perfect for the hot dog lover with a big appetite.
  • Chili Fries Topped With Shredded Cheddar Cheese: For chili lovers who prefer to separate the chili from the hot dog.
  • Onion Rings and BBQ Sauce: The sweetness of the rings and BBQ sauce work as a compliment to the saltiness of the hot dog.
  • Coleslaw With Pineapple Chunks: The sweet pineapple goes with hot dogs and adds to the texture of the coleslaw for a perfect blend. 
  • Sweet BBQ Beans: The heartiness of the beans is always a nice combo with hot dogs.
  • Bag of Hot Cheetos Filled With Nacho Cheese and Jalapeños: Offers a seriously spicy offset to the hot dogs. 
  • Corn on the Cob: The downside is having to put down the hot dog to eat the corn.
  • Hot Yellow Peppers: Seriously spicy — adds “bam” to the hot dog.

Jim Moore, multi-platform barbecue influencer: The hot dog needs to remain the star of the show, so I’d normally stick with salted potato chips or fries and maybe a few pickled poblano peppers on the side.

Joel Young, professional butcher on TikTok and Instagram: Cheesy, charred corn on the cob, cabbage slaw or even a simple cheesy mac.

Hot Dog Lovers on r/Grilling:

  • Beer
  • Potato salad
  • Pasta salad
  • Fruit salad
  • Cornbread
  • Grilled veggies
  • Broccoli salad
  • Hamburgers
  • Sauerkraut
  • Bacon-wrapped, stuffed jalapeño poppers
  • Imodium

Glizzy Gobblers on r/Glizzys: Another glizzy.

So, as you can see, just about anything goes well with a hot dog, whether it be a small side, like potato chips, or a whole other meal, like pastrami-covered French fries. All the more proof that there really is something magical about glizzies.