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TikTok’s Dick-Silhouette Trend, The Organ Thieves Targeting Black People, and ‘Jolene,’ L.A.’s Only Trans-Inclusive Strip Night

Perhaps it’s a sign that maybe we’re all getting too old for this TikTok shit that the latest “cool” craze on the behemoth social video sharing app for VSCO girls and e-boys is dudes (some of them underage dudes) showing off a silhouette of their dick-n-balls with the help of a filter that renders them silvery and translucent. This might make me sound like my mother, but maybe posting your junk — even a silhouette of it — on a public website trawled by perverts isn’t the best idea.

I dunno, is it bad that I wish we could go back to the days when sexting was the worst thing we could imagine teenagers doing?

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