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Sunday Reads: The Holiday Gifting Countdown, Nostalgia for ‘The Sopranos’ and the Science Behind Toto’s ‘Africa’

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s time to get your shit together for the rest of the holidays — and by “shit,” I mean “shopping.” Thankfully, there are still a few days left in November and… Oh, fuck, wait, it’s actually already December 1st. The good news is that, and apologies to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but the best shopping day hasn’t yet passed us by. In fact, the smoothest sailing at the mall will occur on either December 11th or December 18th, both of which are Wednesdays. So kudos: You’ve still got another two(ish) weeks or so to neglect buying things for your friends and family. 

Must Read

SopranosCon Was a New Jersey of the Mind

The Week in Features

High-Profile Men Can’t Seem to Stop Defending the Sexual Abuse of Children

What Do We Call Boomers Who Are Just as Screwed as Millennials?

Three Experts on African Weather Fact-Check Toto’s ‘Africa’

Why Do Men Get So Freaked Out by Period Blood?

How the Black Cop Trope Sold the Fantasy of Post-Racial America

Everything Else That Was Right And Good 

How to Win the Breakup and Save the Planet

An Ode to the Outlet Mall, America’s Fading Monument to Frugal Fashion

The Converts Finding God With Sped-Up Bible Audiobooks

How Come State-Sanctioned Gambling Hasn’t Gone Digital Yet?

What Porn Stars Really Think of the Fans Who Tweet at Them All Day

In Case You’re Not Black Friday-ed Out 

The Irresistible Economics of Doorbuster Sales

The Reason Why Amazon Prime Ads Are All So Horny

What’s the Actual Best, Non-Black Friday Day to Go Gift-Shopping?

Something To Keep In Mind Before You Order All Your Gifts Online 

Real People Money Diaries: Making Ends Meet as a Seasonal Delivery Driver

The Advice You Didn’t Know You Needed

How to Get Rid of Soup

Your New Boyfriend

Tolstoy Was Actually Your Anarchist Boyfriend

Your New Girlfriend

How Claire Saffitz Took Over the Internet

And Finally, A Word About Uranus

Financial Astrologers Are Watching Uranus for a Recession