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Rax King

Rax King is a James Beard Award-nominated bitch. Her work can also be found in Glamour, Catapult and Electric Literature. Look out for her monthly column Store-Bought Is Fine for hot takes about the Food Network, and her essay collection Tacky (TK).

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I Had a Night of Wild(ish) Sex on Horny Goat Weed, aka ‘Nature’s Viagra’

Does the supplement meet all the gas station and corner store hype? I popped a few capsules and fucked my boyfriend to find out

What Counts as ‘Cheating’ When It’s on Your Phone?

There are four parties in every monogamous relationship — you, your partner and your phones

Let’s Put Some Imagination into Our Slutty Halloween Costumes This Year

The only thing wrong with dressing slutty for Halloween is how capitalistic and joyless it’s become

The Meth Fish Apocalypse